In this summer highlight, one of our Service Ecuador & the Galápagos groups reports on their adventures. Enjoy!

Good morning from Ecuador!

This morning we awoke to a handmade breakfast of fruit, bread, eggs, and fresh juice thanks to our gracious host, Elena. Out on the patio, we held an orientation session to help students get to know each other, our itinerary, program expectations, and more.

Students preparing to participate in a collaborative activity to develop our group norms.
Next, we headed to lunch at a buffet just a .2 mile walk from the hostel. We ate a delicious buffet and treated ourselves to desserts of jello, flan, and cake. Next, we headed to the Teleferico–a gondola that takes us to an elevation of 4100 meters with the most stunning views of Quito.

Who says swinging is only for kids?

Putney on top of the world!

Enjoying the views from the cafe atop the mountain!

Next, we hopped on the bus into the center of Quito. There, we met our guide from Quito Eternal, a company which provides educational walking tours with an interactive, theatrical flavor. She provided an engaging tour that utilized the local architecture to discuss historical themes of colonialism, independence, and religious evangelization.

Our guide beginning our walking tour in character.

Dinner at a restaurant entitled “Vista Hermosa” which means “Beautiful View.”

It was a jam-packed day, but we saw, ate, and learned so much together. And now, we enjoy a little bit of rest before we head to Otavalo tomorrow. Ciao!

– Arielle and Maria

To learn more about our Service program in Ecuador & the Galápagos, click here.